Memberships …
We have a place for you in our community.
Like many in the not-for-profit sector ASAN AUNZ is predominantly run and supported by volunteers; volunteers committed to systemic advocacy. This advocacy works to support all Autistic people towards active citizenship, and making meaningful contributions in their community.
If you are an Autistic person or a member of the autism community and would like to be involved, our memberships have a place for you! Within our membership model we have outlined how you can be involved, as can be seen below. We look forward to your contribution.
Autistic Membership
- Autistic people who form the Autistic Self Advocacy Network.
- Autistic Members are encouraged to contribute to ASAN AUNZ in various ways, including being a part of our various workgroups, volunteer positions or feedback callouts.
- Autistic Members can contribute to various systemic advocacy actions, as required via specific ASAN AUNZ requests.
- Autistic Members shape the future direction of ASAN AUNZ with voting privileges at our Annual General Meetings and any Special General Meetings.
Ally Member - Individual
- Non-autistic/allistic person invested in supporting the Autistic community, for example the parent or sibling of an Autistic person.
- A support person or worker for a Autistic Member.
- Ally Members are encouraged to contribute to ASAN AUNZ in various ways, including supporting Autistic Members as required, and specific volunteer positions.
- Ally Members do not have voting privileges at our Annual General Meetings or Special General Meetings.
Ally Member - Organisation
- A small-medium sized organisation, comprised of Autistic and non-autistic/allistic people invested in supporting the Autistic community.
- Ally Members are encouraged to collaborate with ASAN AUNZ in various ways, including partnering with ASAN AUNZ on specific projects, increasing community collaboration by promoting ASAN AUNZ’s work and their partnership with ASAN AUNZ.
- Ally Members do not have voting privileges at our Annual General Meetings or Special General Meetings.
Ally Sibling Member - Organisation
- An Autistic-led and/or disability-led organisation working in the advocacy and activist space for disabled and Autistic people.
- An equal organisation that ASAN AUNZ actively collaborates with.
- ASAN AUNZ and Ally Sibling Members engage in equal promotion and collaboration on various systemic projects.
- Ally Sibling Members do not have voting privileges at our Annual General Meetings or Special General Meetings.