Contributors …

For the Autistic Community, by the Autistic Community

ASAN AUNZ Contributors are a team of Autistic volunteers that contribute to the day-to-day running of ASAN AUNZ and the programs, products and work we do.

Each stream is designed for those that may have a special interest in a specific area and would like to share their knowledge, skills and experience in a particular area. Each stream is detailed below.

Communications Stream

Interest area For those with an interest in copywriting, journalism, article writing, proofreading and copy editing.

Task examples
Supporting board members to proofread and edit ASAN AUNZ documents and website copy. Writing website articles on lived experiences or reporting on topical issues as it relates to the Autistic community.

Diversity and Inclusion Stream

Interest area
For those with a lived experience of Autism and cultural diversity and activism/advocacy in diversity and inclusion.

Task examples
Engaging their community with ASAN AUNZ – Inviting Autistic people from diverse cultural backgrounds to be involved in article writing, socials content, ULDG etc. Advising the Board on diversity and inclusion actions.

It/Digital Stream

Interest area
For those with an interest in IT systems management and implementation, those with skills in IT help-desk and trouble shooting. Those who love programming and app development.

Task examples
Supporting Board members with IT issues. Updating IT systems or programs. Updating permissions and logins. Software updates. Providing feedback on technical developments

Operations Stream

Interest area
People who love administration and event organisation.

Task examples
Ad-hoc support, as requested by the board when events are scheduled or additional general support required.

Policy/NDIS Review Stream

Interest area
For those with an interest in government policy as it relates to Autistic and disabled people. Those with an interest in the NDIS. Those whose idea of a good time is an afternoon deep-diving into a policy document.

Task examples
Supporting Board members to review any policy changes and regulations. Working with the Board to create position statements.

Research Stream

Interest area
Interest area People who are actively involved in autism research, with an interest in making research accessible for the whole community.

Task examples
Bring to the board’s attention new research in the field of Autism. Write website articles accessibly explaining current research.

Socials Stream

Interest area
Autistic storytellers with an interest in content creation. Autistic people from diverse backgrounds, comfortable to film themselves via mobile devices.

Task examples
Film a 15-30 second clip response to prompts created by our socials team, these will then be edited by our socials team to post on
the ASAN social media pages.

If you would like to be a part of the Autistic advocacy movement; apply for a volunteer contributor role, details below.

The Role

  • ASAN AUNZ Contributors actively participate in the day-to-day functions of ASAN AUNZ, promotion and advocacy.
  • ASAN AUNZ Contributors are a volunteer role gained through an application submitted to the ASAN Board. Contributors are selected via a Board review of the application and Board vote.
  • These roles are only open to full Network Members.
  • ASAN AUNZ Contributors are assigned to a specific Volunteer Stream with specific tasks and responsibilities – explained in detail below.
  • Each stream will have up to four contributors.
  • Each stream is assigned an ASAN AUNZ Board Member and/or Team Member as their lead contact person.
  • This volunteer role is generally a remote role. Where face-to-face may be required further discussions will be undertaken.
  • A 4-6 hour commitment per-month is required for this role.
  • This is a minimum three month role, but can be extended for as long as mutually beneficial. This role can be stopped at any time by either the volunteer or ASAN AUNZ.
  • ASAN AUNZ Contributors are encouraged to promote their involvement in ASAN AUNZ. They will be provided with promotional graphics to do so, ie. a promotional profile frame that says ‘I am an ASAN AUNZ Contributor’ to use on their LinkedIn profile or other social media pages. This cross promotion helps to promote the work and skills of the contributor along with promoting ASAN AUNZ.
  • ‘Autistic Self Advocacy Network AUNZ Contributor’ is a formal role that can be added to a CV/resume and LinkedIn profile, noting your specific stream. ie. Autistic Self Advocacy Network AUNZ Contributor – NDIS Policy Review stream. This volunteer role supports Autistic people with future workplace roles and experience, while supporting the functions of ASAN AUNZ.

To Apply

  • Review the above streams, select the stream or streams that most align with your special interests, skills and experience.
  • Ensure you are already or have applied to be an ASAN AUNZ Network Member.
  • Send an application email to the ASAN AUNZ Secretary email at or by the button below.
  • In the email subject line note: ASAN Contributors – Active Volunteer Application – (Name of stream/s).
  • In the application email include an introduction to yourself (a bio) and note your relevant skills and experience. You may do this via a CV/resume, but this is not required. These skills, experience and knowledge must align with the stream applied for.
  • You may use text in the email, a document attachment, an audio recording or a video recording. You may have a support person create your application for you or with you.
  • We encourage those from diverse cultural backgrounds to apply.
  • Please keep an eye on our social media pages for specific stream call outs and dates etc.